Saturday, June 13, 2009

Democracy Defined

As a democratic nation, we are supposed to value our rights and respect the rights of others. This includes the right of free speech, to difference of opinion, bear arms, vote etc. In the coming weeks, it is my intent to review all of these rights and what they mean and where they originate. Perhaps then we can all understand more fully the rights taht the republican party fights so hard to take away. The right to privacy is one that George W. Bush did not feel that it was necessary to respect or enforce. I like to think that he tapped mine so he could hear what I thought of him.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Morally Bankrupt?

I enjoy the when the Republicans try to label themselves as the party of Morals. While they were touting their morals during the Clinton-Lewinski fiasco, Newt Gingrich was one of the loudest critics. Interesting that he later confessed to an affair around the same time period.

Even with this blemish on his record, the Republicans are now trying to raise him from the dead.

Whaty choice do they have? The other option is to listen to Sarah Palin spew her venom. I am amused by her if nothing else. It does not reflect well on the citizens of Alaska when you look at her track record as Governor. Another string of broken promises and backwoods justice. This is not what I look for in a leader.

I also like her charges that we are getting weaker as a nation under Obama. Only if you think that engaging other countries in responsible conversation is weak. I guess shooting wolves from a helicopter is strong. Perhaps we should give the wolves a helicopter and rifle and see how Mrs. Palin likes it then.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hypocrisy by republicans.

This afternoon I was reviewing an article about Newt Gingrich as a guest speaker at a Republican event. John Voight was the emcee. John Voight and Newt both attacked President Obama for his stimulus package and claim that it already failed. While I believe that this is a premature assessment, I am struck by a different question. Was it not the republicans who railed at the Democratic party for listening to actors in Hollywood and their political beliefs. many republicans said what makes them experts on politics and also said "just because they are actors/movie stars does not mean that their voice is more important." I now find it interesting that the same republicans are touting John Voight as a great voice for them. I find it hypocritical that they feel that an actor chould have a voice when it agrees with teirs, but not when it differs.