Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Morally Bankrupt?

I enjoy the when the Republicans try to label themselves as the party of Morals. While they were touting their morals during the Clinton-Lewinski fiasco, Newt Gingrich was one of the loudest critics. Interesting that he later confessed to an affair around the same time period.

Even with this blemish on his record, the Republicans are now trying to raise him from the dead.

Whaty choice do they have? The other option is to listen to Sarah Palin spew her venom. I am amused by her if nothing else. It does not reflect well on the citizens of Alaska when you look at her track record as Governor. Another string of broken promises and backwoods justice. This is not what I look for in a leader.

I also like her charges that we are getting weaker as a nation under Obama. Only if you think that engaging other countries in responsible conversation is weak. I guess shooting wolves from a helicopter is strong. Perhaps we should give the wolves a helicopter and rifle and see how Mrs. Palin likes it then.

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